Bio-Data (Short)

Born 1956 Punjab, India
Fresco painting techniques from local artisans in Punjab.
Tibetan thangka painting, from the Tibetan Monks in Dharamshala. Diploma in painting from college of art Chandigarh.
Glass blowing, Oreforsh, Sweden
Techniques of Madhubani paintings and Kashmir paper Mache crafts from master crafts persons.
21 One man shows of drawing, paintings. Paper- Mache sculptures and installations, in Delhi, Mumbai, Telford (UK), Washington, London, Durban and Sweden.
Participations in 123 national and international group shows in India and abroad.
Residencies in U.K. Bharat Bhawan Bhopal, Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi three times and Himachal, Shimla annual exhibition of art.
Govt. Museum Chandigarh. NGMA Delhi. Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi Chandigarh. British council Delhi. British, Mexican and Swedish Ambassador residence. Dusseldorf museum. Heda, Sweden. Dabur India. Air tel. Bakshi group. India with art and many industrial groups in India USA, UK and Sweden.
Art workshops
India, Malaysia, UK. USA. Sweden, Australia and Turkey, Italy, Japan, Russia.
Other activities
Wrote a book ‘Neti-Neti’. 15 documentaries on Indian temple Art and Architecture. Designed houses, composed music and translated oriental poetry into Saraiki language. Detailed studies on mineral and vegetable pigments and their use in contemporary painting. Studies on south Asian and oriental techniques of paintings. Made a short film on cow entitled ‘The Decorated Cow’.
A documentary film made by a well known Director Mr. K. Bikram Singh entitled a painter Sidharth ‘In search of colours’ sponsored by PSBT India.