The Lost Cow

This section represents the artist’s dialogue with the economic or materiality of the developments that place in the Kaliyuga where the cow from Kamadhenu is transformed into Kamadhana-exploited for economic and political gains but neglected and removed from the household/domestic intimate space she occupied for millennia. The cow is lost in the labyrinth of post modern reality, and wanders in an alien urban landscape seeking its pastoral past. Forced and hemmed into these unnatural environs, the cow wanders on heaps of rubbish, eating bags of polythene, never losing her bovine patience. She now allows the rag picker children, who are also abandoned like her to play with her, ride her and share her destiny. It is the urban masses who are mute witnesses to this ignominy of this noble being. The cow’s eye questions the viewer as is her loss mirrors man’s own loss in the march to humanity.

Ms. Seema Bawa

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