The Cow

An artist ascribes meanings to images, thus creating newer and more poignant and profound discursive layers. As conceived by the indian metaphysical and cosmic tradition, time is cyclic and eternal. Simultaneously, tradition also views the epochs as declining. In the post Vedic vision this thought is repeated in all traditions including the syncretic bhakti darshana of Nanak. Dharma as if was firmly established in the primeval era and erodes thereafter. In today’s world we are living in Kaliyuga, where dharma has been upturned, all is chaos, where dharma is precariously balanced on one leg. Only after this can there be renewal and regeneration. Only after this shall Shvia, Nandi and Nachiketa dance and Nanak returns to material karma at Kartarpur, and also reach the highest enlightened, mystical truth. This is the most significant section as it brings out the artists discourse on the Vedic, Nanak and the Sikh tradition through the cow; and also significantly showcases his redemptive vision. This section is the Amrit manthan of aesthetics: the artist’s amrit or nectar is his joy in creation. According to Sidharth, this amrit dries out if not stirred and replenished with change and growth

Ms. Seema Bawa

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